Swank - March (1972) adult magazine

Vintage adult magazine Swank - March (1972) Stories: - SWANK Interviews: Allen Ginsberg- A Mind-Blowing review of the first annual EROTIC FILM FESTIVAL- Everything you've always wanted to know about fetishes- A Swinger's guide to WASHINGTON D.C.- The Brain Drain- A Traveler's companion- The Miss Nude Cosmos Pageant- Were too embarrassed to ask. Edition: Swank (color + black and white) Featuring cast: Dominique Prevot, Nina Carter Information: U.S.A. printed, March, 1972

Swank - March (1972)

Date : 70s-90s
Producer : Swank

Swank - March (1972) adult magazine


All models, actresses or actors featured in this magazine are certified by the publishers to be of legal age (over age 18) as required by federal law.