Parade 86 (1988) adult magazine

Vintage adult magazine Parade 86 (1988) Stories: - Get your teeth into our latest WHOPPING WONDERS- Stacey Owen goes all the way for PARADE- AGAIN. Plus more CHESTY CHANLLENGERS- PLY-MOUTH. Stand by for PARADE'S Naked Amanda- Shocking - Street scenes of Yo-Ho-Ho - on the streets of Plymouth- THE WILD ONE THAT EDDIE EDWARDS MISSED- Parade uncovers ICe maiden Olympic Inge. Edition: Parade Featuring cast: Belinda Box, Candie Evans, Careena Collins, Stacey Owen, Zeta Ross Information: U.K. published, International, 1994

Parade 86 (1988)

Date : 70s-90s
Producer : Adult magazine

Parade 86 (1988) adult magazine


All models, actresses or actors featured in this magazine are certified by the publishers to be of legal age (over age 18) as required by federal law.