Nude Living 64 1971 - Centurion Press Magazine

NUDE LIVING 64 (1971) NUDE LIVING 64. A Journal of Contemporary Sex Mores. In This Edition, David Shepherd Presents An In-Depth Study of A Fact of Life Crucial to Physical and Emotional Maturity - THE HUMAN ORGASM. "For the human being, the orgasm is a means to an end more than an end in itself. In the lower primates, the orgasm is all there is, merely a physical release; but for the human animal it can be the most meaningful form of communication between two people." With Rene Bond. (nice).

Nude Living 64 (1971)

Date : 1970s
Producer : Centurion Press

Nude Living 64 1971 - Centurion Press Magazine


All models, actresses or actors featured in this magazine are certified by the publishers to be of legal age (over age 18) as required by federal law.