Strange Lovers. Wedding bells were tinkling in the little church around the corner, and the groom carried the bride across the threshhold but imagine her shock when the groom stripped off and turned out to be another bride. Fun is fun, said Sara, the original bride, but what am I going to do with groom named Irene. (Bet you can guess). But of course most of the fun comes while the 'groom' is stripping down the bride, and she is getting all gooseflesh waiting for the sexy parts to begin. And then Sara strips off her 'groom' and gets the surprise of her life. A pleasant surprise, too, she admitted later. Edition: Delta Pictures Information: UK printed, 1970s (color + black and white)
Delta Pictures - Strange Lovers (1970s) magazine
Date : 70s-90s
Producer : Erotic Magazine
[ SOLD OUT Delta Pictures ]All models, actresses or actors featured in this magazine are certified by the publishers to be of legal age (over age 18) as required by federal law.