Black Satin (UK) (1970) magazine

Black Satin in the Nude: Have you ever thought why the words nude and naked have different concepts to the human mind? If a tall dark attractive female said to you "Come in darling, I'm in the nude", you would feel rather embarrassed and apprehensive of the situation. Yet if that same female said, "I'm naked darling, but come in", could you deny that the prehistoric, rather animal traits in you would surge forward. Yet both words have the same meaning. When you see the voluptous Black Satin your mind will boggle. You may, thanks to our very artistic photographer, scrutinise each part of her. Take our advice and start at her small childlike feet. Work your way up along the slender legs to those delicious thighs, warm and tender, willing to please. Look carefully at her exquisite bone structure. Tenderly observe that small area of her body that holds such power over you. A tiny forest of trees, moss, so soft it could almost be downe, you climb into the midst of the forest, frightened to delve too deeply, yet longing to penetrate to the depths of the earth. Soft warm flesh, milk flowing like a mountain stream. Warm rich nectar of the Gods, you fall slowly and then suddenly, upon the victim. Amid the splendour of the grass, the sky blankets you and in that moment of passion you look up to see brown eyes piercing your soul - urging you on, tantalising and pleading with you. Until, like a bird, you fall from the sky, you drop away-down, and down still further spent, but for the touch of her hand upon yours. Now you sleep on black satin that has filled you with power, and the soft satin protects you. You are calm, all violence has subsided - you have found that which all men desire ? feminine perfection. You are at ease now, content, tired, now you sleep. . . . Genre: Female Nudity, Hairy Pussy, Erotic, Softcore

Black Satin (UK) (1970)

Date : 70s-90s
Producer : Ebony Mags

Black Satin (UK) (1970) magazine


All models, actresses or actors featured in this magazine are certified by the publishers to be of legal age (over age 18) as required by federal law.