Black Girl Review No 2 BLACK GIRL - Prepare yourself for a journey. You are about to view the most beautiful black women of America. REVIEW ALL COLOR - COLLECTOR'S EDITION #2. You are holding what may already be a collector's item. Black Girl Review, Book Two, contains the end results of months of searching and interviewing to find just the right females to grace the pages. Book Two is a continuation of our effort to bring you the most beautiful black women in the world. Women like, DELILAH, raised in the land of the Alamo; MAGGIE, bred in the sands of Barstow; KATHLEEN, bronzed on the beaches of Hawaii; JACQUELINE, bred to the beat of the Jamaican drum; and JANICE, loved on the lush hillsides of New Zealand. Rarely will you find a magazine that on first printing becomes one of a kind. This publication is one of that elite. Featuring girl: Keli Stewart Edition: Big Boobs and Beavers Information: USA printed, 1981
Black Girl Review No 2 (1981) magazine
Date : 70s-90s
Producer : Ebony Mags
[ SOLD OUT Ebony mags ]All models, actresses or actors featured in this magazine are certified by the publishers to be of legal age (over age 18) as required by federal law.