Charly SPARK is a french blond mature babe, who was active in the biz from 1992 to 1997. She appeared under various pseudonyms such as Charline Sparks, Charly Sparcks, Veronique Frejus a.o.

Archive for October 19th, 2012
Mature pornostar Charly SPARK porn photos
Friday, October 19th, 2012Shannon stunning blonde shemale in Transexual Climax magazines
Friday, October 19th, 2012For those who don’t know her… Shannon was a stunning blonde shemale who was quite a star in the 1980s. She worked for Teresa Orlowski, for example, both in front and behind the camera. Later she had herself operated, and – according to Wikipedia – had sex with porn star Jerry Butler. I hope I am wrong, but I heard that she is no longer with us. The pictures below are from the early 1980s. Hope you like them…