retro sex magazine

Archive for January 5th, 2012

Shemale sexstar SHANNON filmography & partners list

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

Can someone familiar with Shannon’s movies give a synopsis ( or point to one online ) of any of the following alleged Shannon films:
“Legs” ( 1985 ) Shannon, Lois Ayres. ( the databases show Shannon to be in this film, but I’m not too sure that’s correct).
“So Deep, So Good” ( 1988 ) Shannon,Nina Hartley, Alicia Monet (ditto… not sure she is in this film ).
“Bizarre People” ( 1982 ) Shannon,Pia Snow ( I think this film is also known as “Shannon”. The “Many Faces of Shannon” scene was taken from this film according to a post on RAME ).
Divine Decadence (1988)
Many Faces of Shannon (1988) (as Shannon)
Samantha and the Deep Throat Girls (1988) (as Crystal Evans)
So Deep, So Good (1988)
Afro Erotica 3 (1987) (V) (as Shannon)
Lifestyles of the Black and Famous (1986)
The Postman Always Comes Twice (1986)
Bi-bi Love (1985)
Sex Change Girls (1985)