Candida ROYALLE anal sex video & bio

In the early 80’s, Candida Royalle took her talents behind the cameras, writing the historical porn flick ‘Blue Magic.’ She set up her own production company, Femme Productions, and began turning out a series of highly regarded, always erotic sex films that she wrote and produced. Top-notch erotic films like ‘Femme’ and ‘Urban Heat’ established her as one of the industry’s most reliable talents, as she turned out one great couples-oriented porn flick after another. Candida Royalle appeared occasionally in sex films throughout the 80’s, but now concentrates her efforts exclusively on the production end. She was inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame for her work both before and behind the camera, and Femme Productions continues to be one of the most popular and well-respected companies around.

candida royalle anal sex scene

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